When a period is late or absent, many questions arise. "Why hasn’t my period arrived?" and "What should I do to get my period to come today?" are common concerns. In this blog post, we’ll discuss spotting or light bleeding when your period doesn’t come — specifically implantation bleeding.
What Happens If I Experience Spotting but My Period Doesn’t Come? Could I Be Pregnant?
If you notice a delay in your period along with light bleeding or a brownish discharge, you could be experiencing implantation bleeding. This light spotting, which can occur around the time you expect your period and often appears as a pinkish or brownish discharge, could be a sign of pregnancy.
When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?
Implantation bleeding typically occurs between 6 and 13 days after intercourse that leads to pregnancy. However, implantation bleeding does not happen in every pregnancy, and in many cases, it goes unnoticed.
How Can I Differentiate Implantation Bleeding from a Period?
For women with light or irregular periods, it can be easy to mistake implantation bleeding for a period. However, there are some key differences:
Color: Implantation bleeding tends to have a browner color compared to the brighter red of menstrual blood.
Duration and Intensity: Implantation bleeding is usually lighter and shorter in duration than a period. However, the differences can vary depending on each woman’s menstrual cycle.
Symptoms: Mild cramps, abdominal spasms, and nausea may accompany implantation bleeding.
If you notice spotting or bleeding during early pregnancy and are unsure of its cause, it is important to consult with your specialist to ensure everything is progressing as expected.
If you have more questions about spotting or implantation bleeding, feel free to reach out to us at Nicosia Fertility!